
Word2010 flags PARTS of words as misspelled

I'm updating a document in Word 2010 and when I add or change letters in words that are preexisting (e.g. words that were in the original document that haven't been edited yet) Word will do the red squiggly misspelled underline on only certain parts of the word.  Here are some examples:

Original text is "0-1ft", I put the cursor between f and t and change it to "0-1 foot" and just the two o's are underlined as misspelled.
Original text is "Boathouse locations...", I delete the uppercase B and change it to "Originally, boathouse locations..." and Word underlines "oathouse" as misspelled.
Original text is "provided", I highlight the v and type it again resulting in the exact same word "provided" in the same case and everything and Word underlines the whole word.

If I accept the changes it suggests, the new word on the page becomes an actual misspelling (e.g. following Word2010's suggestion, correcting the "oathouse" example creates "bboathouse") which are then NOT flagged as being misspelled.  Again with the "oathouse" example, if I type the whole word the way I want it instead of changing the one letter, then everything is fine.

Track Changes is not on when this happens.  This is a .docx file but it happens on other .doc files as well.  This isn't a showstopper but it sure is annoying.

You may run ' Fix it' from the following and verify whether issue re-occurs:http://support.microsoft.com/kb/822005

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