
OneNote pages won't display in OneNote for iPhone

My notebook on SkyDrive has one section with 300+ pages in it. None of the pages will sync to the iPhone. When I go to that section, it shows "syncing" and when it finishes, it displays "no pages found". All of my other sections and pages are working. I can open this section and pages fine in OneNote 2010. Any thoughts?

The iPhone app takes some time to sync all of your content from SkyDrive to the iPhone. Once it's synced, we have a cache of it. The first time you start up, the app attempts to sync all of the non-shared notebooks that you have on SkyDrive. You can see the network monitor in the status bar. When it stops, your notes should be synced and you shouldn't see the "no pages found". Depending on how much content you have in your SkyDrive notebooks, this may take a few minutes. Subsequent syncs will rely on the cached content, so they should be much quicker, depending on how much has changed since the last syn

